Today is a special day in life in Durwood's world. It is special for the usual reasons in that it is another day of life and it is a gift from the One who made all things. But this day is special for a very significant reason because it is Dad's 80th birthday. Both of his parents left this earth before reaching 80 years and that makes this milestone a treasure not to be taken lightly. The fact that Dad is still with us is a rich blessing. "The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." One might say that we live on "borrowed time" once we reach 80 years of life, so I thank the Giver of life for every bit of time that He allows Dad to stay with us. He is doing quite well just a few weeks after the so-called "mini" strokes he experienced recently and for that I am also thankful.
This afternoon Mom has planned a celebration to honor this special birthday. The weather is relatively pleasant for the 25th of February and that is a blessing as well. There will certainly be many family and friends that will come to help Dad celebrate this special day and to wish him well. There may very well be some who will be there that I've not seen in some time and will enjoy visiting with them on this special occasion. So today while the sun shines bright, we are going to celebrate this monumental milestone with a very special man. Whatever time may remain for us to be blessed by having this great man in our lives will be considered a precious gift from God. As each day passes, I must remember to be grateful that Dad is still with us and express that gratitude at every available opportunity.